“A good boss comes first and leaves last”. For a long time, I acted according to this motto and was quite successful with it. I admit that I enjoyed chasing my employees in front of me and watching them run. It earned me respect and quite a few people still talk about it admiringly over a beer.
Still deliver solutions or already consult?
In English, there is the beautiful saying “Not my Monkey”. When someone comes to you and describes his problem, he often tries to place his monkey onto your shoulder. How to react in such a situation?
Continue reading “Still deliver solutions or already consult?”
How trust works
Trust is the currency of interpersonal relationships. The metaphor of an account has always helped me to illustrate this when I was working with people from financial services. Once you initiate a relationship with a person, you open up a trust account. Every action that meets the expectations increases the account balance. Every disappointment leads to a debit.
Do you know your team?
When I take over a new team, I like to get an idea of its members. During the handover from the predecessor, you usually concentrate on the business aspects: who has what area of responsibility, what is this person’s strengths and weaknesses profile? You mostly review mandates and the last performance assessments.
Why values matter
Values are crucial. They define what is important to us. Most interpersonal conflicts can be traced back to violations of values. Violations of values always generate emotions. And once the conflict becomes emotional, then fact-based arguments usually have a difficult stand.