Humans can’t do Multitasking

Photo by the creative exchange
Photo by the creative exchange

No, not even women. Of course, we all already got sucked up so much into a phone call that we can’t remember what happened on the road during the last 100km on the motorway. But we delegated the activity “driving a car” to our subconscious. This is not possible for activities that require our attention. We have to switch constantly and these set-up times stress us – as individuals and in teams.

A computer can only do multitasking if it has several identical parallel computing cores. Then an intelligent dispatcher controls the optimal utilization of the processors. Is there such a thing for teams?

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We get digital

Photo by Joshua Sortino
Photo by Joshua Sortino

Some must always have the latest version; others hide behind their paper newspaper. Our children grow up quite naturally with it and don’t know it any other way. In recent years, digitalization has turned things upside down: the distribution of knowledge, communication and the shaping of public opinion. It has swept across many sectors like a tsunami. For some, the water is still up to their necks.

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